Thursday, May 21, 2015


The models I used was Mr. Rotella and Joshua Cammack. I liquify both of them and I made Josh look smaller and I made Rotella look strong and big. Josh is trying to pull Mr. Rotella but he wasn't able to and he fell to the ground.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 My model is Joshua Cammack. I really like this picture because it doesn't look photo shopped. I feel like I could of tired to make his body even with his muscles. Liquifing his muscles really made the story pop out more. Its basically a before and after picture. The first picture is him working out than the after picture is his results from working out so "hard". I made him change into a tank top so it made him look like he was really working out. I got a weight from the weight room to really get the effect of him struggling while lifting a weight.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Business Card

1. The focal point of my business car is the hospital I picked. Its a really good hospital and also from Greys Anatomy
2. It describes that I am a pediatric surgeon
3. Its suppose to be a formal business card. The Card looks mature and straight to the point.